Sunday, May 8, 2011

To Market, To Market.

This morning I went to El Rastro and it was lucky my jet-lag had me up really early that i was at the markets at 9 and the stalls were just finishing being set up so it wasn't crowded and i was able to wonder around leisurely. There was some strange things for sale, but i guess someone else's junk is someone else's treasure. I bought 2 nice souvenirs for my parents and found myself a wonderful silk dress in an antique shop down one of the side streets and the dress was way in the back of this shop and the owner moved a screen for me to go behind to try on, she was a sweet little lady. And the dress is beautiful. 
Got to enjoy some music as well. It must take a lot of care to transport and set-up the crystal glasses that the man in the picture above is playing.
After seeing all that El Rastro had to offer i happened across a little supermarket that smelt great. Pan Caliente - Hot Bread. It was the perfect end to the markets to buy some fresh bread, chorizo, cheese and lettuce and go back to the hostel and make myself a nice lunch.

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