Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day One, Madrid

Puerta Del Sol taken from inside the Vodafone shop.

Looking down the street from my hostel dorm room.

looking in the other direction from my dorm room.

There was always music playing around Puerta Del Sol

Pistachio ice cream. Had to have some.
So I know I'm a bit late on the posts for Madrid but these are the first photo's i took. There are a lot more to come, but its been busy and by the time I stop I just want to crash. Which i want to do right now.
Madrid is daunting, as I haven't done something as crazy as move to a country that doesn't have English as its first language. But I like what i have seen so far. People are openly affectionate and they dress very well. The sun doesn't go down till 9:30 so it's easy to loose track of time at night, and the food and sangria is delicious. So Buenas Noches and i'll post more tomorrow.

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